Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Leaving the nest.

So, today I deposited my payment for my dorm (so excitedd!). I get home, & my mom goes "i don't want you to leave" lol. Is that not like the sweetest thing ever?

OK me and my mom dont have the best relationship (not at allll lol) & yet im disappointed that she waited this long to show

how much she cares. Im only moving like 20 mins. away lol. It's cute though. (: It's time for me to "leave the nest" & i honestly don't think I could be anymore prepared. Time to show the world what I'm made of! I know right from wrong, and I want more than anything to make my mother proud. My weekends will most likely consist of clubs and liquor, but also cram sessions. I cant wait!

<---- Thats me lol

<---- Funn! /= lol

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Happy August!

Happy August Everyonee! It's my favorite month. Guess why?? lol. Yesss! Birthdayyy Month! Also back to school time! Yay right? lol. Good luck everyone, Happy Birthday to all the Leo babiess out there, and everyone have a great August!!

My Events for August
August 3-Bestie's birthday
August 6-MY 18th BIRTHDAY!!
August 8- Brothers birthday/ Birthday celebration
August 9- Nephew's 4th bday (:
August 15-23-FMU Orientation
August 24-First day as college freshman (:

Megan Fox

I personally looove her. Since the first transformers movie.
I've kept up with her. She's a badass. Snuffed Michael Bay in the face apparently (Transformer's director), ran over Shia Lebeouf's hand (my favorite lol), suppposed sex tape with Scarlett Johanssen. Think she's here to stay or jus a 15 min. of fame thing? You be the judge, either way she's turning heads.